“By the far the best folk-skiffle-eat-your-greens-market-stall outfit you’ll see at any conference this year!”
– Gabrielle Smith, The Children’s Media Conference
“The BarrowBand: Playing and singing the finest selection of fruit and vegetable songs ever written.”
– A Barrowband fan
Changing the way people eat!
People of all ages love the BarrowBand!
Working all over the UK (and sometimes beyond!) but based in Scotland, The BarrowBand are a real band of multi-instrumentalist/singing costermongers (people who sell fruit and veg) who are accompanied by an amazing, kinetic, magical fruit and a veg barrow.
The goal of the BarrowBand is to get the country eating more vegetables and fruit whilst having the most fun they have ever had!
The BarrowBand at Edinburgh Royal Botanic Gardens, Scotland.
Working in the hinterland between food origins and healthy eating they bring the history, magic, beauty, and health of vegetables and fruit to the world with their unique brand of intergenerational performance and ‘astounding’ repertoire of fruit and veg songs.
The BarrowBand play songs that can be enjoyed by all ages, anywhere. Exceptional musicianship combined with the unique songwriting talent of ex-Incredible String Band member Malcolm Le Maistre creates a performance that is unsparingly musical, energetic, surprising, participatory and educational.
The Barrowband at Doune the Rabbit Hole Festival.
They sing, dance and juggle their way through a large selection of original songs using styles drawn from pop, folk, country, Indian, klezmer, thrash jazz, rock etc. – whilst manipulating a kinetic market Barrow covered with various fruit, vegetables and beasts. They also conduct interactive creative workshops.
The BarrowBand is about celebrating nature and its products in a funny and entertaining way through music, art and performance. As well as bringing the magic of fruit, vegetables, animals and minerals to the world, we will also influence people’s health in a positive way.
At last, a band that plays children’s music that adults love as well.
The BarrowBand came about after Malcolm saw a famous cook trying to get children to identify various fruit and veg without much success (leeks were kiwis apparently). He immediately started writing songs about them and not long after, in partnership with an Edinburgh media company Rocket Learning, created The BarrowBand – an educational multimedia project for teachers and health professionals about healthy eating and especially fruit and veg.
The BarrowBand at Kew Gardens in London, England.
In 2010, Colin and Malcolm did the first BarrowBand live gig in Durham. It quickly became apparent that the future of the BarrowBand was live and in early 2011 the band was formed.
Since then we have performed throughout the land at many diverse venues such as: as Kew Gardens, Cambridge University, Harrogate and Edinburgh Botanics, the JustSo Festival, Kelburn, Eden and Belladrum Festivals, the Wakefield Rhubarb Festival, Dunoon Harbour (in sub-zero temperatures), the annual conference of botanical experts in Dundee (an entire audience of adults going wild for the Onion song) and many others.
They have also toured rural schools and communities around Scotland playing in community gardens, and at food and health events.
In 2016, the band will embark on a critical part of its journey to bring the magic of fruit, vegetables, animals and minerals to the world. Two new albums, many performances, fruit and veg dance films and much more!
The BarrowBand at Mugstock Festival
Malcolm Le Maistre
Malcolm Le Maistre – Vocals, Mini guitar, Banjo
Malcolm Le Maistre is the lead singer and songwriter and used to be in The Incredible String Band (you can ask your grandparents who they were). He interacts a great deal with the audience, handing out fruit and vegetable prizes for questions answered correctly, and leads the mushroom dancing.
Collin Scott-Moncrieff
Colin Scott-Moncrieff – Ukulele, Percussions, Vocals
Colin is a graduate of RSAMD, plays ukulele, percussion, sings, juggles and as The Barrowman encourages various fruit and vegetables to join in with the songs. He is also a part-time clown doctor.
Gracie Bill
Gracie Brill – Double Bass, Vocals
A native of Dunbar, Gracie comes from a musical family. She plays double bass, cello and sings in a choir.
Kevin Morrison
Kevin Morrison – Guitar, Mandola, Keyboards, Vocals
Kevin plays mandolin, guitar, keyboards and is digital technology talent. When in the mood he performs a ‘whirling dervish’ dance.